Ransomware Holds Hospital Hostage

February 16, 2016

Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center has been hit with ransomware, a type of malware which makes files inaccessable until the ransom is paid. In this case, the attackers are demanding $3.6 million to restore file access.



Although the hospital assures us that no patient data has been accessed or stolen, this attack demonstrates that stealing data is not the only problem that comes from cyberattacks. Learn more at our new blog.

FBI and Homeland Security Breached

February 9, 2016

Personal information about tens of thousands of FBI and Homeland Security employees appears to have been compromised.

Learn more at our new blog.

Nuclear Spearphisher Pleads Guilty

February 5, 2016

On February 2, 2016, the U.S. Justice Department announced that Charles Harvey Eccleston, a former employee of the the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), pleaded guilty to an attempted e-mail “spearphishing” attack that targeted dozens of Department of Energy (DOE) employee e-mail accounts.


The attack targeted U.S. government computer systems that contained sensitive nuclear weapon-related information.

Learn more at our new blog.